As y'all probably know Lilly For Target happened on April 19th starting around 1 am. I was on #lillyfortarget from around 1-4am trying to keep up with all the shopping news. I ended up getting lucky and finding the "backdoor" to the sale around 1 am. Thankfully I got everything on my wishlist except a few things online so I only needed to pick up a few things in store. After going to bed at 4 am and waking up at 7 am, I headed over to my local target at 7:50 only to find over 100 people lined up ready to shop. Once the clock struck 8 the sprint to the Lilly begun and I went straight to womens section and was soon in the middle of the madness. I was not ready for what I saw! I guess I'm not cut out for black Friday level shopping. Luckily my mom had more luck in the kids and home sections and grabbed dresses, shorts, tops, mugs, and on impulse the last Pom Pom chair. Literally everything was gone within 10 minutes. I was really surprised that my Target practically only had one item of each size. After we gathered out loot we headed over to the fitting rooms where the only line was for the returns instead of for the actual fitting rooms. All in all I was happy with what I got and thankful with my online success.
I ended up mostly shopping from the girls section since I'm 5'1 and can fit in girls xl. The Girls Maxi Dress in My Fans fit me perfectly. If you are on the shorter side and wear a adult xs or s this dress will work for you. I also got the Girls Pom Pom Shorts in My Fans which fit but are a bit short even on me.
Thanks so much for reading!